UK Lodger Agreement Template
When you rent out a room in your home, it’s important to have a valid and legal lodger agreement in place. This will protect both you and your tenant. The lodger agreement from RentalDocs is the best option for UK landlords. Here’s why:
The UK lodger agreement sets out the rights and responsibilities of the landlord and the tenant. You can include things like quiet hours, use of communal areas, and visitors.
It’s clear and easy to understand, so there’s no confusion about what is expected from each party.
It’s legally binding, so you can take action if the terms of the agreement are breached.
What is included in the UK lodger agreement template?
A UK room rental agreement that you can use multiple times. It comes in MS Word and PDF formats, meaning you can change the document to suit your needs or use the easy ready-to-go PDF version.
Download Your Lodger Agreement
Word Doc + PDF Versions
Easy UK Lodger Agreement Template Use Multiple Times
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Do I need a lodger agreement to rent out a room?
In England and Wales, you are not legally required to have a lodger agreement in place when renting out a room in your home. However, it is highly recommended that you do so in order to protect both yourself and your tenant.
There are several potential risks associated with not having a lodger agreement in place. For example, you may have difficulty evicting a tenant who stops paying rent or causes damage to your property. Additionally, without a lodger agreement, your tenant may have certain legal rights that you are not aware of.
By taking the time to create a lodger agreement, you can help avoid potential problems down the road. Making a verbal agreement is acceptable but gives you little recourse as it becomes a case of your word against your tenants.
Therefore, when renting out a room in England or Wales, a legal room rental agreement signed by both parties makes clear the terms of the rental.
What is the benefit of using the RentalDocs tenancy agreement?
The full tenancy agreement template provided by RentalDocs is designed to be used for any kind of residential property, from flats and houses to rooms and studios.
The benefit of the Word Doc version is that you can easily edit the contents to suit your particular property, as each landlord may have their own set of circumstances relating to their property.
Of course, the lodger agreement template is ready to use as-is, but we advise you to customise the agreement if possible. There is also a printable PDF tenancy agreement which does have a checkbox for room rental if you do not wish to customise the document.
Our prepared agreement is easy to use, simple to edit and can be used as many times as you wish. A real time saver!
Save Time and Money With Our UK Lodger Agreement
Download Our Trusted Tenancy Agreement
For England & Wales
For Renting Properties: Tenancy Agreement Form
For Individual Lodgers: Room Rental Agreement
What is a lodger agreement?
A lodger agreement is a written rental contract between a landlord and a tenant. A UK lodger agreement includes details such as access to rooms and facilities, terms of rental and responsibilities of the landlord and the tenant.
Can I write my own lodger agreement?
You can write your own room rental agreement but it is not advisable to do so, as you may leave out critical information which should be included in the rental contract. Without experience, this could have legal repercussions further down the road.
Where can I download a UK lodger agreement template?
You can download a room rental agreement for your lodger at Our rental contract is easy to change, can be used multiple times and adapted to suit the needs of your property.
Should you use the other documents as part of your agreement?
The simple answer to this is yes. Two accompanying documents, in particular, are very useful to any landlord renting a room in England or Wales. These documents are part of the full tenancy agreement pack.
Landlord Inventory Template
The included printable landlord inventory template allows you to make an inventory of all the items in the space the lodger is renting from you, along with their location and condition.
Although this is a very simple document, you can list your items and then ask your tenant to acknowledge them by signing each sheet. This way, should your tenant dispute the presence of something when they rented the room, you can simply present the signed landlord inventory.
Tenant Advice Document
This is an optional extra, but is a very useful document for landlords. In the tenant advice document you can not only outline extra information about the property for the benefit of your lodger, but also provide fast contact details and other helpful information for your tenants, such as the location of shops, transport hubs, and anything else you think may be useful to your tenant.
This presents you, the landlord, in a very professional and helpful light to your tenant and your lodger will appreciate the extra trouble you have taken.
The tenant advice document is fully editable and should be an integral part of your lodger agreement with your tenant.
Watch our video on the main tenancy agreement page